IPXACT Parsing
For the purpose of working with ipxact designs instead of json designs a separate script has been created.
It utilizes functions from the messy/codegen/ipxact.py
The script that will be used is called messy/codegen/codegen_ipxact.py
and can be used like this:
python codegen_ipxact.py -f ipxact/pulp_open_pv_panel/pulp_open_design.xml
The -f flag specifies a path to the IPXACT top-level design file.
The parsing script works as follows:
- At first the design file is read
- Then all the components are extracted from it (function read_ipxact_design(file_path))
- Then in for a cycle the resulting dictionary (of the same format as json) is assembled
- For each component it's XML representation is converted to JSON (function xml_to_json(element) and parse_element(element))
- And then it's format is adjusted to match the initial JSON format (functions process_bus(), process_core() etc.)
- For each component the version, library and vendor are checked (function sanity_check())
- Component filenaming convention is component_name + "_component.xml"
- It is needed for the correct work of the script